I attended with my father, an exhibit at the St. Louis Art Museum on Friday, December27, 2013. In the exhibit named "The Weight of Things" was the photography of Americans Paul Strand (1890-1976) and Emmet Gowin (b.1941). The setting was well lit and the walls adorned with dynamic photography from these two talents. Paul Strand took lots of pictures of his wife and family members and made them into an art work. Strand also developed his own film using special technique to get the results he wanted in the pictures. Emmet Gowin loved landscapes and had a few pictures of people. This adventure was very inspirational to me as my father is a professional photographer. Although he hasn't taken professional photography for a number of years, the knowledge he has still exists and couldn't wait to resurface. In addition, he taught me lighting techniques and guided me on our picture taking adventure. Good times.
The Weight of Things